After a fantastic week with family and friends, I could no longer wait to make my way over to Belgium. Having spent the last year being 'cyber space' aunty, it was finally time to wrap my arms around the littl'uns again. Not two, but three by now since the latest arrival Tobias, nicknamed by me as Kikker. 

Day one let Lars and Maite into complete turmoil. Running wild because of course they knew they could get away with it on this special occassion. Little Tobias didn't know what hit him when I saw him for the first time and refused to leave him alone for 3 days.
Already feeling shattered from a week racing around, I prepared myself for some fun times with Lars, Maite and Tobias. Followed in the evenings by lots of talking, wine drinking and enjoying the company of Roliene and Michiel. And that's exactly what we did.

Trips to the Zoo, special diners adopted by Lars as Christmas diner, and lots of other fun activities filled the next few days.
After three fantastic days in Belgium, Ina (mum) and I packed up the car, bundled Maite into the back seat and drove back to Lekkum. Maite had decided she wanted to go for a sleepover at Opa and Oma's. She said goodbye to her big and little
brother and to her mum and like a brave little madam decided to make the most of her trip.

We went swimming, visited Opa at work and shared a bedroom, beore heading to chiphol airport for the last goodbyes. Roliene met up with us there, where Lars announced that 'mum would probably cry a little bit because aunty Marit is leaving again'.
Well Robens being Robens, you could pobably have filled a bath with our tears, but the good times and all the laughs easily made up for those tears. It was just great to see everyone again!
Wij hebben het ook heel erg leuk gevonden dat je bent geweest. Lars en Maite hebben het er nog steeds over. Sterker nog: je bent vereeuwigd dmv een foto op hun nachtkastje!
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