Despite the rule that prohibits alcohol being drunk in and around Hampi, not to mention the shite food and dire service, this archealogical wonder site is a joy to behold.
Situated on the banks of the Tungabhadra river in northern Karnataka, the village of Hampi is located within the jaw-dropping ruins of Vijayanagara, former capital of one of India's most fericious empires. A UNESCO world heritage site, the place is truly stunning, brimming with hidden temples and some of the most amazing architecture we've ever seen.

Once in the reserve you're left alone to explore the vast ruins of this past empire at leisure. Sunrise from some of the towering hills are spectacular while sunset over the surrounding valleys is equally mind-blowing. We must have clocked up dozens of miles hiking from one ruin to the next, all the time it seemed as though we had this amazing place to ourselves.
However, this is India, so for all the beauty and adventure the ruins offered, the village itself was a total shambles. Roof top restaurants boasting "Lonely Planet" recommendations line the mazy narrow streets, home to some of India's most useless cooks! If random dishes weren't appearing on our table it was the promise of fresh coffee being shattered with a palate-numbing Nescafe. I never knew there were Indian's who could actually f**k up curries, but here they reside aplenty!

Given the powerful healing strengths Kingfisher can have on weary limbs, we comandeered a rickshaw and left behind us a trail of dust as we set out in search of chilled refreshment and edible cuisine. Much to our delight we found the former but the latter proved elusive throughout Hampi and its surrounding towns!
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